nyc personal injury attorney

What lawyers can't tell juries

Have you ever been a juror in a personal injury case, or were you just picked for one? The judicial system prevents valuable information to be presented to the jury so as to not unduly influence the money awarded. Click to watch Paul Edelstein talk about what juries don't know....

Dangers of a NYC Subway Accident

If you have been the victim of a subway accident, it is imperative that you file a claim within ninety days of the incident. To ensure you bring an accurate, comprehensive lawsuit with all of the necessary details to ensure rightful compensation for your injuries due to others negligence, it is important that you receive professional legal counsel from an experienced subway accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident...

New York Auto Accident Attorneys Deal with Distracted Drivers

Auto accidents in New York City happen every day. Impatient and distracted drivers oftentimes cause minor to severe injuries and even death. New York auto accident attorneys are experienced and well versed in traffic laws making it possible for them to fight for and win fair settlements for their clients...

How to Sue Your Landlord For Negligence in NYC

If you or a family member has suffered an injury due to a hazardous condition it is imperative that you fully understand your legal rights and all possible options available to you before you proceed any further. Contact our highly experienced and dedicated New York Landlord Negligence Attorneys, we are dedicated to ensuring that our client’s rights are protected and that they receive justice and full and fair compensation for their injuries, lost wages and pain and suffering...

Can I sue my landlord?

In 2011 the greater NYC area had 2,104,816 renters . With more renters than most cities worldwide have people means a lot of landlords who have a lot of responsibilities to these renters. So with 68% of the population renting, you can imagine there will be problems. Unfortunately few people know their rights as tenants so many end up just accepting health or safety problems they shouldn’t  Don’t be one of these people! If you or a loved one you know has an issue related to their rental, be sure you call a New York landlord negligence attorney and see if you can sue for damages due you...

Find an Experienced Slip and Fall Lawyer in Brooklyn, New York

If you have received injuries from a fall or slip on public or private property due to carelessness or dangerous conditions, contact us for a professional and dedicated New York Slip and Fall Lawyer. If you live in Brooklyn, Queens or the Bronx, we have qualified attorneys available with decades of experience in personal injury claims...

Personal Injury Attorneys in New York The Edelsteins, Faegenburg & Brown LLP Can Help

New York is a busy place with lots of moving parts. Unfortunately this often leads to injuries. While ‘accidents happen’ the law mandates who is responsible for what. Sadly in a city like New York, the law can be a dizzying maze of tort law and municipal codes. The last thing you need is to try to figure this out on your own while recovering from an accident! That’s way you need to consult with a NYC personal injury attorney who can help you get your day in court.

Who’s Liable?

Whether you are in a auto accident with a cab or trip and fall down stairs while visiting a friend’s apartment, there are liability issues you might not think of. Will the taxicab company fight you in court? Were the stairs safe and adequately lit? In either case, a different set of laws will apply. If you have a severe injury, you owe it to yourself and your family to consult with a NYC personal injury attorney to determine if there are liability issues involved.

Attorney Protection

Businesses and insurance companies do not like going to court. However just because they wish to settle is often the wrong choice for the injured party. Too often the out-of-court settlement is for a fraction of what you are entitled to. Even if you do settle, using a professional NYC personal injury attorney will help you get a fair settlement.

It’s Your Due!

Far too often people don’t fight for their rights because they see the incident as merely ‘something which just happened’ or accident with no negligence. This, however, is not the case. Liability is not changed by intent so if you have been injured, don’t let the following sway you:

  • Feelings that going to court is needlessly vindictive to the other party.
  • Feelings that you cannot win against the other party’s lawyers.
  • Feelings that you do not want to be seen as trying to make a profit over an accident.

Again, liability is the law and it is up to the court to decide how much at fault the other party is. If you don’t sue, the court will never be able to make such a ruling.

Contact us from Manhattan or Brooklyn

If you believe you may have a claim, contact the law office of Edelsteins, Faegenburg and Brown for a consultation at 212-425-1999. Our lines are open 24 hours a day or you can mail us questions as well.

How do I chose a lawyer for a car crash in Brooklyn, the Bronx or New York City?

 In New York City, someone is seriously injured in a car, truck or bus accident every three minutes. In the event that it's you, it is extremely important to locate a top auto accident attorney in Brooklyn, the Bronx or New York City as soon as possible.  The Edelsteins, Faegenburg & Brown, LLP are among the top medical malpractice & negligence law firms in NYC and are ready to help the victims deal with the difficult situation they have been thrust into....

What Steps Should You Take After Being Involved in an Auto Accident?

After being involved in an auto accident the first thing you must do is determine whether you or the other driver (or any passengers) suffered any significant injuries. Next, you must seek medical attention and report the accident to the police department and your insurance carrier. From there things become slightly less clear. A number of questions may race through your head, including what you should do if you have been injured and the other party was at fault...

Manufacturing Errors Lead to Auto Accidents

Recently there has been significant news about the future of driving. More specifically, the possibility of self-driving automobiles appears to be on the horizon.  What was once a futuristic concept left for science fiction and theme parks now appears to be inching closer to reality.  Although self-driving automobiles would theoretically cut down on driver negligence as a cause of accidents, a more concerning hazard would still be ...

Are Google Glasses Really Safe For Use While Driving?

Have you ever heard of Google Glass? It’s the newest wearable computer device created by the tech gurus at Google. This device provides online information via the use of special glasses that function like a hands free smartphone. Though this product has limited availability it could soon be worn by people throughout the world. As a result, lawmakers have already become concerned about what could happen if someone uses the Google Glasses while driving...

East Harlem Gas Leak Explosion: Anyone Affected Might Have a Suit

In just a few minutes, everything can change and that was the case for the residents of 1644 and 1646 Park Ave. in East Harlem. On March 12, 2014 people had left for work and school as usual for a Wednesday morning. One woman noted that she had smelled gas and thought she had left her stove on, but she went back in to check, and it was off. Another woman on the second floor named Sarah Borrero said she smelled gas on Wednesday morning as well. Hiring an experienced NYC personal injury lawyer will be able to answer any questions or concerns regarding the accident and next steps that are need to be taken...

President of Metro North Railroad Stepping Down

Metro North is the second busiest commuter rail system in monthly ridership in the United States, after the Long Island Railroad. Accidents involving these rail lines can lead to horrific injuries and loss of life. Having an experienced New York MTA accident attorney fighting to protect your rights if you are injured is your best recourse in obtaining justice and full compensation...

Wrongful Death Auto Accident Fatalities Increase

U.S. auto accident fatalities increased in 2012

The death of a family member or a loved one is a traumatic experience. This trauma is made worse if that death could have been avoided by observance of safety standards, traffic laws or responsible driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration there were 33,561 deaths due to auto accidents in 2012 as compared to 32,479 in 2011...

Can you sue from an injury at a Concert?

Although concerts and other events can often be places of great fun and entertainment, they can also be potential sites of risk and injury. A recent case, in which a fan fell on another spectator at Manhattan’s Hammerstein Ballroom during a concert, is just one recent story suggesting the danger audience members can sometimes face at some of their favorite venues. In these unfortunate accidents the injured party really needs an experienced New York personal injury lawyer to obtain justice and the financial compensation due them...

Can you sue a bar for a DWI accident?

On August 16, 2013, reported that Dana S. Corrar and her family had their worst nightmare come true when the car Ms. Corrar was driving was struck head on by a stolen SUV, which had crossed over the divider on Route 18 in Middlesex County, New Jersey, causing bilateral fractures to her legs, ankles, ribs lungs and neck and resulting in multiple surgeries...